How To Trust Your Intuition

Have you ever felt an unshakable certainty about something or someone, even when there’s no logical evidence to back it up? Or met someone and instantly sensed they were meant to walk a part of your journey, even if you couldn’t explain why?

These kinds of experiences are called synchronicities. Although they defy logic, we have a strong inner knowing that there’s a purpose, a lesson, or something meaningful about to unfold. But how do we know when it’s safe to trust the experience we’re having on a soul level vs. following our logic?

Energy Never Lies, But the Ego Does
While many of want for nothing less than genuine, soulful connections, it’s often these very relationships that bring our deepest fears and greatest challenges to the surface.

When it comes to trusting your intuition about a connection, I believe that energy is always truthful—it flows freely and reflects our highest selves. In contrast, the ego can distort this truth, shaped by our past painful experiences and the narratives we construct. It is the ego that creates disruption, fuels emotional turmoil, and leads us to feel pain.

Every Relationship Is an Opportunity for Growth
Eckhart Tolle says that every relationship serves as a mirror for our personal development and spiritual growth, reflecting parts of ourselves that we may be choosing to avoid (or bury) in the non-stop tasks of daily life.

But love requires patience, time, open communication, and the willingness to be vulnerable with one another in order to reach its full depth. And this process takes considerable effort, and a requirement to explore the parts of ourselves we are most resistant to, which is why even the strongest relationships can sometimes end abruptly and painfully.

Dealing with Shock and Abandonment
Everyone experiences moments where they operate from a place of hurt. Instead of internalizing someone’s words as reflections of your worth or seeing their actions as something done to hurt you (which is often the ego at play), recognize that their behavior is a manifestation of their own pain. They may be grappling with fears—such as losing their independence, facing rejection, or feeling unworthy if they can’t meet certain expectations.

If the words and actions are hurtful, you can choose to send it back with loved and healing.

And if worst case scenario, someone chooses to run out of your life, then let them run. Because there’s no distance far enough they can run where they won’t eventually have to face themselves at the end.

Have Courage
Whether in love or out of it, it is our own responsibility to heal our past traumas so we don’t bleed on the ones that didn’t hurt us. Even when it’s difficult, true love—of ourselves and others—is worth that courage.


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